Sunday, May 12, 2013

Because When I Pray I Feel Relieved.


Because when I pray...I feel relieved. 

When I pray I feel relieved. Maybe it is when I have done something wrong or maybe it is when I am just laying there at night scared of the world. I ask Jesus I hold me. Hold me in his arms and rock me to sleep. Sounds weird. I know. 

But I feel Jesus holding me. I pray for him just to protect me.To help me fall asleep. Because I am cuddle up in my bed and I am scared like a little girl and I am not  sure where to run to. I feel safe and I fall asleep. 

When I start to think about things that I could have done wrong. They start to make me worried and make me second guess myself. I go to Jesus and I tell him he knows I did not do it. 

I go to Jesus about my relationships. There has been a friendship that I have been struggling with. I have been trying to keep it afloat. I go to Jesus. I haven't prayed hard for this,but I want my relationships to have him as a foundation. 

I go to Jesus about my relationship and prayer life with him. Because when you are struggling with a relationship who should you go to? Jesus and the person. So if I am suppose to do that and I am struggling with my relationship with Jesus...shouldn't I go to Jesus?

I am trying to go to Jesus more and more. 

--- M


  1. the good thing about Jesus is He's never going to hurt you or leave you empty. in fact, you leave yourself empty when you don't cling to Him. Jesus is the best.

  2. I love this. It is so true. Jesus is the best thing we could ever have or want; I don't know why we don't satisfy ourselves in Him, why we try to find fulfillment in other things in this world.


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