Friday, May 4, 2012

Have you ever thought...?

I have put it in to consideration, and I have found out a way that a blog is like a hotel. I mean it kinda is. I mean not like where you go to stay at. Gr. It is just so hard to explain. So let me just explain.

I guess I will start from the top.

The title of your blog is the name of the Hotel. So my 
hotel name would be Fountain of Mercy. And the header
is like the cool font that they use to tell you what the hotel is. 
And the welcoming picture, I guess you could say, is like the front 
desk. It just tells you a little bit about the blog and the blogger. 

You know how the button works. People grab it and 
put it on their blog. So there ya go. Your button is a business card. 

The post of the past is like the key to your hotel room, just 
hanging there, ready for you to take it and open the room with. 

Your members are like the people who stay at your hotel. I mean they look 
at your blog post...right?

And these are how many visitors you have had. 

And last but not least, the blog post are the room!! Because 
you have to open them to see them. 

Okay,so I know that post was a little weird. But I have been dying to write type about it. 
Hope you have an awesome day!!



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