Friday, April 13, 2012

To be Beautiful....or not to be beautiful...

 Are you beautiful? Do you think you are beautiful? Do others call you beautiful?
 If you think that you are beautiful on the outside that is great! That means you have confidence in yourself. Always keep your confidence. But you thinking you have outer beauty and others thinking that it going to your head? Well,I hope not! If so give yourself a humble and reality check. C'mon just because the people around you think you are beautiful doesn't mean you are greater then anyone else. Don't get me wrong! I really think you are beautiful,but be HUMBLE!! 
 Whats more important...? Your inner beauty or your outer beauty. 
 Your inner beauty, of course! If you love God you will have a natural inner beauty. You will want to be kind to everyone,even those who are not like you or just flat out don't like you. It will be hard! I am not saying it won't. With the Lord's help you will always be able to achieve your goal. He will give you the wisdom of how to be kind ,but tell the person they are not doing right. You will be able/want to help others. You will have a giving heart. You will be a Girl for God! Just like He wants! 
But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
 1 Samuel 16:7

Love always,



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