Wednesday, April 25, 2012

85 things in 2012

I am taking on this challenge of getting 85 things done in 2012.I think I might try this every year. I think it will be fun.

1.Cook a full meal-
2.paint each of my nails a different color-DONE!
3.Watch war horse-
4.Get done with all 3 Hunger Games books-DONE!
5.Raise enough money to pay off camp at horseback riding-DONE! {since I am now not going to horse camp!} 
6.Bake a cake from scratch-
7.Get more followers on my blog-
8.Get a nice camera-DONE!
9.Have an awesome 13th birthday-DONE!
10.Go to the Cheesecake factory-DONE!
11.Go on a trip to Helen-
12.Go camping-
13.Re-do my room-DONE!
14.Bathroom remodel-
15.Go on a trip to Washington D.C.-DONE!
16.Have a wedding photo shoot-DONE!
17. Be in 2-3 more horse shows-
18.Enter 3 photo contest-
19.Write a story-
2o.Go to the beach A LOT in the summer-
21.Write to my friends in other states and countries-
22.Scrap book-
23.Exercise A LOT-DONE! 
24.Work on my hand stand-
25.Write 20 blog post in one month-
26.Talk to every person I meet-
27.Get better at photography-
28.finish my devotional-
29.start an online shop-DONE!
30.sell paper flowers and puff balls-
31.stay off the computer for a week-
32.drink only water for a week-
33.go shopping on the island-
34.find 6 new blogs to follow-DONE!
35.train Sadie-DONE!
36.get finished typing 85 things-DONE! 10 new movies-
38.decorate a cake with a modern or a girly look-
39.finish my math book-
40.make chocolate pretzels- books on horses-
42.master lighting in photography- books on photography-
44.visit my cousin-
45.try vinegar {sounds gross}- the taste test game-
47.look up tons of pictures-
48.ask people if I can use their yard for pictures-
49.go without chocolate for 5 days {hard}-
50.go to Jax. beach-
51.find a new adventure-
52.go down to my great grandpa's house and find cool stuff to take pictures of-
53.go to a marsh and take pictures-DONE!
54.go on a 5-8 mile bike ride-
55.start a garden-
56.learn 2 new crafts- Pinterest no stop for an hour-
58.finish Reepy-
59.draw a picture with just stick people-
((wow this is starting to get harddd I am going to go look up ideas))
60.make a picture frame with duck tape-
61.make a pillow and roses out of duck tape- in the rain-
63.father-daughter date night-DONE! a kite-
65.go on a picnic-
66.have a tea party-DONE!
67.good game of 2 square- gaze- partyyy with the gals-
71.tea stand-
72.finish a game of monopoly-
73.drink green milk-DONE!
74.have an ice cream sundae night-
75.learn how to bake bread-
76.make fried Oreo-
77.make bubble gum-
78.paint rocks-
79.have an ice cream partyy-
80.make a tin foil river with floating bottle caps-
81.make a Cherrio necklace and wear it to Wal-mart-
82.go see fish-
83.go to the park and lay down and scream-
84.drink a gallon of water in one day- frozen pickle juice {eww}-



  1. cool! btw for ur full meal just make spaghetti and bread. It's easy and DELICIOUS!!!! :) Can give u the recipe :)

    1. Next time you come to my house we'll go on a bike ride! :) We always have long ones. :D And when we go to Helen we can do backbends and handstands! :D

  2. interesting list! looks like fun!!

  3. The War Horse movie isn't as great as I thought but I definitely recommend it! :D We are going on number 65 in helen!! :D We'll also finish several games of monopoly in Helen! ;)

    2., 5., 6. {I did it last summer (I always bake in the summer when I'm bored)but I want to again!}, 7., 10., 11., 13.-20., 24., 25., 27., 31., 33., 38., 46., 48., 49., 51., 63-65,69-72,74, 79,82, and 85!! :D

    41.- I can lend you some!! :D
    45.- Vinegar? Like the kind like salt and vinegar chips?
    53.- We could do that on the long bike ride! It goes by tonsss of match and an island with fiddler crabs by a river and stuff!

  4. ^^Those are the ones I want to do..I forgot to mention that! HAHA

  5. YAY! Isn't is awesome that we get to keep our money and do free horsecamp even if it's only one week! :D


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