Sunday, June 3, 2012

dreams don't turn to dust {a blog party}::Fashion Contest

 Hi Everyone! Welcome to the party! We have named our blog party "Dreams Don't Turn To Dust {A Blog Party}". Hannah and I decided we needed to give our party a cool name! And by the way,if you listen to Owl is one of their songs. Anyway! I am going to stop with this part because I totally could start rambling about the whole blog party ,and if you watched the video you should know about the party.

Okay,the first contest we are doing is a fashion contest! Yay!
Here is an example for an outfit:

Please enter 'your' outfit in a comment. You must have it in by June 10,2012. 
The outfit has to look like you would wear it in the summer
outfit must be modest 
you can get pictures from Google images or this place is pretty good.
and have fun! 

Okay! Design away!

Listening to: Owl City--Dreams Don't Turn To Dust



  1. Love the fact that you're listening to Owl City!!

  2. This is an awesome site! I absolutely love polyvore!
    Here is one of mine. If you want to see more of them, my username on polyvore is - missbandgeek


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