Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions. . .

 I have decided this year I am going to come up with some New Year's Resolutions. . . here is my list:

1. Work on my photography
2. Read my Bible more {Thanks Mrs.Elizabeth}
3. Exercise *cough* I haven't been doing that
4.Work on blog designing
5.Learn more about horses. . .
6.Eat Healthier
{Notice I am throwing in some not so fun stuff.  .  .}
7.Find things to blog about.
8.Find adventures
What are your resolutions ???
Now I thinking of more. . . hehe



  1. Pretty much the same!! Except I love to exercise, so that's not really a problem for me. ;)and to have awesome times with my dog! Finding adventures sounds awesome! Thank for the blog button!

  2. cute new blog name! Looks great! I like your resolutions! check out #2 though . . . .I don't think you said what you meant to say! ;

  3. Thanks Mrs.Elizabeth! Emily,you make me sick how you like to exercise.

  4. How?? :) It is fun! If you are exercising while doing something that is fun! =D


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