Friday, May 31, 2013


from last late summer 

*this is my 200th blog post you guys!! I am so excited! This is a really big blog post! yay!! It is like a mark for this blog. Anyway I decided to talk about summer because it is my 200th blog post. and I have 42 followers on this little blog. I love you guys <3. Now time for the post after this introduction.* 

Whoo hoo!! It is summer for me! I am so excited. I finished school last Monday. May 27,2013. Okay,so if you don't know I am in 8th grade so it was my last day in middle school. I am going to do a post on my three years of middle school. I am a freshman. wow. it feels so weird to say that because I am not a serious person so I don't really feel like I am in high school. If you are in high school. . .when you started did it feel like you shouldn't be there yet?

ANYWAY. it is summer and I am super duper excited! I have been itching to get out of school. And it is finally here. In a few days I am going to be going on a trip with Emily. We are going to the mountains for her birthday. Pretty cool way to start out summer,right?

I thought I might want to come up with a summer bucket list. (really cool bucket list here).  My mom told me she doesn't like the words "bucket list". I don't know why...but it is just whatever really.

Here are some of the things on my bucket list.

//Go swimming 
//lots of trips to the beach 
//get a heart sun tattoo 
//go on a road trip with Emily 
//photo shoots
//keep my room and bathroom clean all the time (so hard) 
//workout like everyday 
//run a 5k 
//enjoy the summer 
//make a new friend 
//build a sandcastle 
//crab hunting 
//learn to do a split 
//get closer to God 
//read my Bible everyday 
//get abs (guys this is soooo hard for me! all my weight goes to my stomach)
//horse camp 
//read lots of books
//try something new 

Those are just some! I am sure I will have more. What is on your bucket list?

--- M


  1. -Ride 5x/week
    -Work at the barn 8 hr/week
    -Do a good job on the acting internship
    -Design 10 tshirts for dazzle
    -Take Yank (my horse) on his first trail ride
    -Take my sis out to Dairy Queen and have a photo shoot
    -Write Korie (my friend on a summer long mission trip) at least once a week
    -Talk Mrs. N into letting me use her DSLR camera to take KKs headshots
    -Go to a talent contest and sing and tap dance
    -Teach my sibs the new choreography to Matilda
    -Go swimming somewhere
    -Audition for Stage One
    -Hit the high F consistently
    -Get my right and center splits and left leg catch
    -Finish Chemistry

  2. -catch fireflies
    -get a summer job
    -fly a kite
    -message in a bottle (we HAVE to do this)
    -cherry blossom! EEEEEKKK
    -hang out with you wayyyyy more than we did last summer
    -make homemade ice cream
    -grow in photography skills and ask some people if i can shoot them for experience
    -grow closer to God and talk about Him more with friends and random people i don't know
    -a bunch more stuff


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